We finally bit the bullet and bought ourselves a Breville juicer yesterday. I've been wanting to try juicing for better health ever since I started seeing green juice recipes on Pinterest a couple of years ago. Watching the documentary by Joe Cross: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is what cemented the idea for me. I've seen the movie twice now, the first time alone, and the second time when I shared it with my husband. The stories shared are eye-opening and compelling - they have inspired me to want to do better, and to want to be healthier.
short-term goal right now is to replace one meal a day with some
form of a green smoothie, and see how that goes. If it is sustainable
and I'm able to lose a little bit of weight then I will consider maybe
replacing two meals a day and so on. I'm not quite ready to do the full
on "body reboot" as advertised by Joe Cross just yet. I want to sort of take it down by
notches and see how that goes...be sure this is something that I can sustain while also working full time and raising a family. One thing is certain and that is that there are tons and tons of
resources available out there, many of them free, that will help me
along this journey. One I've already used more than once is this great
PDF that gives you the correct ratio for different green juice or
smoothie concoctions. I plan to laminate this and tape it to the wall
right next to our juicer for easy reference.
Overall I do already feel better. I have not had any coffee since Sunday, and I don't have any headache so far. Hope I didn't just speak too soon. I also have the same (or slightly more) energy that I would feel on a normal work morning, but this is without coffee. I plan to blog about my journey a little bit, mostly just to chronicle the process, and to keep track of my learning process and any great resources I find. Only time will tell, but the idea that I can fight back against my life-long struggle with obesity, and against all the processed, refined CRAP out there by using my body's natural healing powers, and following a plan that is both simple and sustainable in terms of cost and upkeep - well that is empowering, and I'm definitely ready to give it my best shot!!
Good for you! I did the 5 day juice fast and did pretty well. I was grouchy the first day but just went to bed early because I didn't want to deal with the hunger.
But the subsequent days as my body adjusted, it was nothing but positive! Once I learned that I have to clean out that filter basket after EVERY use, I got consistently GREAT juice and was loving the taste!
I dropped 10 pounds the first week and my wife says my skin in clearer and I have a bit more energy.
Good for you, Melanie! I've also been considering juicing...just haven't made the commitment. Since retiring, I did begin exercising 3x's a week and have also begun a yoga class. I feel so much better just making these changes to my lifestyle. I'll be following your journey and wish you a healthier life!
Good luck Melanie. Hopefully Michael will also take it up. It's always better to have a partner/friend do it with you.
Way to go! I have been juicing for awhile. I have the Nutribullet. I am still having problem getting the texture right and I have looked everywhere for goji berries except online. Thursday I'm starting Isagenix for a month to see if I like it it. It is very pricey! Keep me posted.
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