...and so little time to do it in! So I spend my time blogging about it, now
that makes sense! The rest of the Christmas break flew by as I knew it would. I can't honestly believe it's 2008 now. Michael and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on Dec. 29th, I can't believe how quickly that many years have come and gone.
I have some snow pictures from our last big storm but I haven't even gone through them yet. I had a chance to go out by myself for a couple hours and take photos. It was something I haven't made time for in quite a while and I had a good time...more to come when I get the photos ready to share! Now it's in the 50's and raining cats and dogs, very strange weather for January and stranger still how much it's changed in only a few days!
I've had all but one of my new classes so far. Yesterday was a good, though exhausting day. I think there's going to be a lot of work for me to do this semester but still work (and learning) I'll enjoy. A whole different ballgame from last semester!
Time to get the day started, I have online school stuff to do and a sink full of dishes. Then my niece will be here soon and later on Becca will be here too. My sister is coming over to hang out, which I'm really looking forward to. I think we'll go somewhere fun with the kids later.