Thursday, March 12, 2009

These Make Life Sweeter...

...nieces! I'm thoroughly convinced it's no coincidence that the words nice and niece are so closely related. One of the things for which I am most thankful in life is my status as "Auntie Melba." First with my nephew, Nick all those years ago, and now with my two sweet nieces, I have always been fortunate to have close relationships with these special children. A few weeks ago, Michael and I kept the girls so my sister and her husband could take a much-needed respite to celebrate their anniversary. It was a win-win situation, because we got some one-on-one time with these sweet girls, and they got a night of freedom. Here are my favorites from the images taken that weekend:

One sleepy, one silly

= arms full!

Is there anything better than a baby falling asleep in your arms?
Ava in Shades
One Big Baby!

L.G. - Life's Good!



Shauna said...

Precious pictures! Thank You for sharing :) ♥ Hugs!

Marian said...

Hi Melba, I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to offer you some encouragement as you endure the "wait". I've been there~my husband and I waited for almost a year for "the call" for our little one! Hang in there and when you least expect it, you'll get it! Stop by anytime to see our "worth the wait" little one. Grace & Peace

by the way your photos are great!! Do you sell any?

Rick said...

I know I enjoyed mine at this stage. Then they became moody, snotty teenagers and enjoyed them less. Now in their early 20's I have come full sircle in my Enjoy!

Hill upon Hill said...

How fortunate that they have you as an aunt!